Licht, Kunst, Licht 1. Lichtdesign für Architektur

Autor: Andreas Schulz
Verlag: Av Edition
Gebundene Ausgabe
Seiten: 119
ISBN-10: 3-89986-051-9
ISBN-13: 978-3-89986-051-1
ISBN: 3899860519
Preis: Preis und Verfügbarkeit anzeigen
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Licht Kunst Licht 1 The first international monograph on this highly successful and innovative lighting design office Filling architecture with light, setting buildings in scene, generating spatial atmosphere: with undogmatic and flexible solutions the lighting design office Licht Kunst Licht in Berlin, founded by Andreas Schulz in 1992, develops lighting scenographies for museums, administrative and public buildings... Full description Quelle:
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