Parkett, Nr.60, Chuck Close, Diana Thater, Luc Tuymans

Autor: Bice Curiger
Verlag: Frieden-Vertriebsgemeinschaft
Seiten: 213
ISBN-10: 3-907582-10-1
ISBN-13: 978-3-907582-10-7
ISBN: 3907582101
Preis: Preis und Verfügbarkeit anzeigen
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Parkett Presenting unique and in-depth collaborations and editions with leading international artists, Parkett #58 features the work of Sylvie Fleury, Jason Rhoades, and James Rosenquist, three artists who work with everyday matter to produce lively and expressive paintings and installations. Contributing writers include Adrian Dannatt, Jutta Koether, and Beatrix Ruff on Fleury; Russell Ferguson, Roberto ... Full description Quelle:
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